What Are The Benefits Of Doing Grounding Exercises?
Many people are very familiar with the concept of meditation and mindfulness but a lot of people are unfamiliar with the concept of “grounding”. Right now in particular with everything that is going on in the world a lot of people are struggling with increasing financial pressures as well as rising anxiety over what is going to happen in the future. This makes this the PERFECT time to talk about grounding! Best of all once you have developed a regular practice you should only have to dedicate a few minutes a day to recenter and refocus your energy to accomplish the goals that you have set out for yourself.
Grounding, to be explained simply, is the process of connecting your energy to the energy of the earth and then bringing that energy into your body. Grounding exercises can be seen as a form of meditation however if you have struggled with the concept of meditation sometimes it’s just easier to “ground” yourself instead. Think of grounding as connecting the “plug” of your body into the energetic roots of the universe as the ultimate power source to recharge and revitalize your energy. The study of physics has conclusively proven that ultimately on a cellular level every human being is really just a collection of energy so by grounding yourself you are connecting your energy to the deeper energy of the universe around you. This act of plugging in allows you to dump any negative energy that you have accumulated within your body and psyche into the larger pool of universal energy and recharge yourself with positive and reassuring energy that everything ultimately will be okay, even if you are not exactly sure how that is going to happen. This is great in terms of adjusting your mental state to be more positive. Even if right now you find yourself in the state of not knowing what will happen today or tomorrow by practicing grounding you can tap into a positive energetic space where your body and mind are supported and reassured that you will be taken care of. This is supremely important when you find yourself in situations where you don’t have control or when you have fear about what is going to happen. During the grounding process you will find yourself gaining the following:
So now that I have talked a little about the benefits of grounding you may be wondering what happens when you don’t “ground” yourself on a regular basis. This may not be something that you are doing right now so you may be wondering “Is this REALLY that important Dr. K?”. Of course you know the answer is yes otherwise I wouldn’t be writing about it! Typically it is recommended that you practice grounding exercises at least twice a day but of course you can practice more often than that as of course every day brings it’s own set of challenges. If it is a particularly challenging time you may find yourself grounding every couple of hours! When you don’t ground yourself then the struggles and challenges that come to us everyday tend to leave us feeling unstable and then we become more susceptible to the energy of everything going on around us. Think of it as losing your center or your true north. As you lose your center then you lose the ability to keep your energy centered and calm. You lose your sense that you will be able to accomplish what you need to accomplish in that moment to keep yourself moving forward. This can cause you to feel powerless, tired, confused, and that you just can’t accomplish anything. These feelings can really be natural disasters for our mental health balance when times become challenging and we need all the energy we can muster to deal with life’s daily stresses. Instead of feeling adrift and alone in the world the act of grounding can bring in a sense of feeling supported and can revitalize you so that you can become the master of your “to-do” list with ease.
If you find yourself reading this I challenge you to do an internal check about how you are feeling right now.
If you constantly thinking consistently about the past or the future (i.e. what’s already happened or what may happen) then you are not grounded.
If you are feeling sapped, tired and drained with no energy then you are not grounded.
If you find yourself trapped within the cage of your own “monkey mind” with scattered thoughts, attention and don’t have the ability to focus to get things done then you are not grounded.
The good news is though that you DON”T have to stay in that space! If you are thinking that you don’t have the time to learn how to ground then I challenge you to answer the following questions.
Do you have time to continue to feeling tired, sapped and anxious every single day?
Do you have time to continue to be unfocused so that ultimately you are not accomplishing all that you need to do everyday?
Do you have time to continue to reside in a negative energy or headspace?
Personally I know I don’t have time for any of these things! So I encourage you to start incorporating more grounding practices so that you can start to bring some nourishing energy into your life right this minute! If you don’t think that this is something that you can use yourself maybe there is someone in your life that could use this right now. If so connect with us on social media and share our contact with your friends!