Holistic Tips In the Face Of Covid-19

Have you seen the news lately with images of empty shelves at Sam’s, Costco, and other local outlets? Have you been standing in a long line for hours just trying to stock up on essentials for yourself and your family? Trust me I understand as I have stood in a few of these lines myself over the past several days and it can be really scary. The stores are totally sold out of toilet paper, Lysol, and let’s not even talk about trying to find hand sanitizer. You might as well go down to your local park and try to dig up a piece of gold!

People were scrambling for cleaning supplies and rubber gloves in a panic. My family had to cancel our Spring Break plans and my kids will be out of school for the next week and possibly for the rest of the semester! All over social media, and here in town, people are panicked and fearful about the impending doom this virus may bring on us.

So should we be scared?

In short, the answer is NO! It does not help you or your immune system to live in fear.  The key in a global crisis like this is to not panic.  Instead, we should become informed and prepared - for this and any other threats. So how can you do this? In this post I will talk about how you can stay informed and what steps you can take to build up your immune system.

Tip #1

 You can go to the CDC website to get daily updates on the disease country by country, but don’t let the sheer volume of the infection scare you.  You must understand that 80% of the time people only develop very mild flu-like symptoms that will resolve on their own. Another plus is that children under 9 years old do not seem to be as affected as adults.

The best way to prevent infection is to avoid exposure to this virus and boost the health of your immune system. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyday preventive actions to help prevent the spread of this and other respiratory viruses, including the following:


=> Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

=> If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

=> Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

=> Stay home when you are sick, and keep children home from school when they are sick.

=> Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.

=> Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a disinfectant spray or wipe. Can find these items? Try a dilute solution of bleach as an alternative or even a soap & water mixture.

 This alone hopefully should make you feel a bit more at ease...

 Now, you may be asking “Well Dr. K that sounds great but what can I do more specifically to help to make sure that even if I am exposed I can prevent myself from picking up the virus?”

 The key answer to that question is to be ready & not just for the coronavirus, but for life’s challenges. The key here is to hone your body’s ability to be resilient.  How do you do that? Follow these tips!

  •  Taking care of your health and your immune system should be a daily practice, not just something you do out of fear of catching Covid-19 but because you also want to decrease your chance of also catching other viruses like the cold & flu.

  •  These tips that I am telling you about are actually some of the daily habits that I have adopted in my own life, and that I teach in my practice. So next time the media comes with a surge of headlines that drives more panic, you can relax knowing you are prepared.

  •  Do everything that you can do in your day to day diet to support and boost a healthy microbiome which is the baseline defense of our immune system.

Tip #2

Take herbs and vitamins to further enhance your immunity. Many of the supplements listed below can be found in our online dispensary, or sourced locally. If you have any questions about obtaining any of the products mentioned, feel free to contact us by phone or you can also reach out to us via email so we can help you.

  • Monolaurin is a supplement that is believed to have the potential to permanently inactivate the fat coated viruses that cause diseases, leading to the disintegration of viral particles. Can’t find this, it’s backordered or you don’t want to take a pill? Consider adding unrefined coconut oil to your diet. It is also rich in monolaurates which should give you some of the same benefits. Just remember not to cook it on high heat!

  • Immunitone Plus™ is a comprehensive herbal formula designed to support healthy immune system function. It contains herbs that support normal natural killer (NK) cell activity and the balance of cytokines. These chemicals are the regulatory proteins released by immune cells as part of a normal immune system response. This supplement is suitable for long term use and for all age groups and it combines herbs that have antiviral and antibacterial abilities as well as the ability to maintain Natural Killer (NK) cell activity and cytokine synthesis. This particular supplement is safe enough to use for chronic viral conditions and in cases of a weak immune system and acute illness.

  • Vitamin D So many Americans are vitamin D deficient it’s a little crazy (not to mention that a lot of insurance companies don’t even like to cover testing Vitamin D!) How much should you take?

    => 5,000- 10,000 IU for adults, 5000 IU 2x per week for kids. I recommend taking D3 which you can easily find over the counter and also a version with K2 is superior to a D3 supplement alone.

    => If you already have a cold take up to 50,000 IU for 2 weeks until the bottle is gone.

    => Check a blood level every 6 months for precise dosing. Ideally you want to keep your levels between 60-80 ng/dl.

  • Vitamin C – The best nutrient to load up on in the best delivery system Vitamin C has been shown to have an immune-enhancing effect, as well as balancing hormone levels and modulating fertility. Liposomal absorption is typically the best that you can get outside of a direct IV. I have noticed at the stores that this supplement is already being bought out in droves so if nothing else you may want to consider other sources of vitamin C such as citrus fruits and rosehips.

  • Omega 3’s – This supplement also comes in a vegan version if you are worried that you can only get this through an animal based source. You can also up your intake of salmon to 3 times a week or increase your daily intake of omega 3’s by taking in flaxseeds, chia seeds, or hemp hearts.

  • Probiotics– Use a high quality, prescription-grade spore-based probiotic daily. A spore-based or enteric coated probiotic will survive the trip through your gut and the prescription-grade strains can feed your immune system. My favorite is Megasporebiotic.

  • Immunoglobulin G – Commonly known as IgG, is an antibody trained to fight off viruses, bacteria, and other infectious invaders in the body. IgG can give your immune system extra support so it can keep you feeling healthy and strong.

  • Zinc – necessary to support immune health and shorten the duration of illness. Zinc is essential for immune function. Zinc deficiencies are associated with increased susceptibility to infections and a decreased capacity for the immune system to combat illness.

  • Trace Minerals– A number of trace elements have been shown to be important for adequate functioning of the immune system, Deficiencies of trace elements can influence various parameters of the immune system, such as how well your antibodies respond, cell-mediated immunity, and natural killer (NK) cell activity.

To get pharmaceutical grade versions of these products delivered right to your door, register for a free account with our online dispensary Fullscript by clicking here. Once there, look for the category “Immune-Support” and you will find all of my recommendations there.

Stay tuned to my blog for my next post when I will be talking about how to eat, sleep, and move in a way that build’s your body’s defenses.

Help your body protect itself!

Yours in health,

Dr. Kourtney