SOUL NURTURING 101-Spices of the Season

This issue of soul nurturing 101 has to deal with enjoying a little bit of the spices of the season--specifically chai spices.  These spices are known for their aromatic properties and  by utilizing the sense of smell the oils in these spices can shift emotions and moods.  Did you know that studies have linked chai spices like cardamom, ginger and cloves to decrease platelet stickiness?  Pepper also contains a substance that lower blood pressure (which we can all use with the stress of the holiday season).  Also in clinical studies cinnamon has decreased blood sugar levels and cholesterol--two of the biggest risk factors for heart disease.

In Ayurvedic medicine chai spices are considered sattvic which means that they calm, vitalize and increase mental clarity.  All of these are great for less stress and better heart health this holiday season.  Try bringing a little spice into your life with the tea recipe below.




1 cup water

1 bag Darjeeling or other black tea

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

3 cardamom seeds

3 whole cloves

3 peppercorns

1 packet stevia (or honey)

1/4 cup plant based milk


Put the water into a small saucepan, Add the tea, spices, and sweetener then bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.  Add the milk, strain the tea and enjoy!